Parent Partnership

​​​​Welcome to the Parents and Friends Association of which all parents are members.

PBAR_parentpartnership.jpgThe Parents and Friends Association (P & F) is an integral part of the St Joseph’s Community, providing a formal structure and support network for parents, carers and friends to participate in the activities and decision-making processes at the school and to work for the benefit of the school and their children.

  • The P & F represents the interests of the whole parent body.
  • It helps parents e​ngage with the school and the education of their children.
  • It works to support the school.

The St Joseph’s P & F meets every second Tuesday of the month at 7.00pm (unless otherwise stated in the School newsletter). Attending P & F meetings is a great way to meet other parents, participate in decision-making processes of the P & F and contribute to the welfare of the St Joseph’s School Community.

We encourage all parents and caregivers to attend P & F meetings however if you are unable to do so, there are a myriad of other ways to support your children through P & F activities.

Examples include:

  • ​Join a Sub-Committee or Parent Interest Group that appeals to your interests such as the Athletics Support Group, Active School Travel, Music and Drama, Grants, Work Place Health and Safety or Care and Concern.
  • Volunteering for a morning at Tuckshop - the roster is confirmed months in advance and allows you to plan around other commitments.
  • You can help at one of the many social events co-ordinated by the P & ​F which may include the Trivia Night, Musical or Movie Night, 
​© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Joseph's School Bardon (2023).