Sharing our Learning

There are many ways we share and celebrate our learning at St Joseph’s School. We believe learning is an ongoing process and, as such, we provide both formal and informal opportunities for parents to share in their child’s learning journey.

Ongoing Sharing of Classroom Learning

Our teachers provide parents with regular and ongoing updates regarding the learning that is occurring daily in our classrooms. Such snapshots provide parents with both, an insight into the upcoming learning that is planned for students, as well as photos and student reflections allow parents to share in the learning that has recently occurred in the classrooms.  ​

Written Reports

Twice yearly teachers reference student learning against the Australian Curriculum Year Level Achievement Standards using a five-point scale.  This information is shared through a formal written report.

Student-Led Conferences

Student-led conferences provide an opportunity for students to share their learning successes with their parents and teachers following their formal written report. Through this conference, teachers, students and parents collaboratively set learning and social goals for the coming semester. If at other times throughout the year, parents or teachers feel another conference is required, this can be arranged.

Parent Information Evenings

At the beginning of each school year the teaching community shares with parents their hopes and expectations for their class for the coming year.

Celebration of Learning Days

Parents and friends are welcomed into our classrooms for our Celebration of Learning days where we share the learning that is occurring. These are an informal opportunity for members of our community to view learning in context throughout the school.

Assemblies, Masses and Liturgies

Within the Religious Life of our School we gather for different occasions to celebrate, reflect and acknowledge special events and achievements within our community.

Specialist Teachers

Students’ learning from their specialist lessons are celebrated through activities such as sporting carnivals, Gala days, Celebration days and Arts projects.

Spotlight on Learning

​The Primary Learning Leader shares curriculum and pedagogy updates through our “Spotlight on Learning" in our school newsletter. These newsletter articles provide snapshots of learning across the school, as well as sharing with our community, the professional learning teachers engage in on a regular basis. 

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Joseph's School Bardon (2023).​